Lev Well Apps

Grow Rich While You Sleep
Lev Well
By Ben SweetlandExerpt"95% of all human problems stem from a negative mind. This figureincludes such traits as timidity, domestic discord, businessfailure, bad memory, tenseness, unhappiness, worry, etc.You can do something about it… while you sleep!You are a mind with a body attached, not a body with a mindattached! Realize this and you are on your way to self-mastery.This is the new approach to the Conscious Mind through the otherlevel that never sleeps, the Creative Mind. What you will discoveris priceless!This book shows how to use the deepest thinking part of you, whileyou sleep, to get whatever you want out of life . . . money,personal influence, love, respect and admiration.At will, you can direct your Creative Mind to assist you in solvingproblems . . . making the right decisions … in creating ways andmeans of great achievement . . . over night! With this techniqueyou can sleep on it and awake in the morning with answers soclear-cut you will be amazed!You will discover:* 6 exercises that develop your latent creative powers into amental powerhouse.* 5 ways to make your Creative Mind work for you.* a formula for building a success consciousness that will lead youto success in any direction … and double your income.* how to develop your powers of concentration.* how to accentuate the positive … and gain a magneticpersonality.* how to go on a mental diet … to gain radiant mental and physicalhealth … and feel younger than your years, even at 70."By unblocking the mind-line this method automatically improvesthe memory, strengthens other mental powers, casting out self-doubtand self-defeat. It builds optimism, confidence, courage, andbrings out latent talents, shows that you can grow rich … in allthings . . . material as well as spiritual . . . while yousleep."TABLE OF CONTENTS:How This Book Helps You Grow Rich 91. Riches: An Interpretation 192. Sleep: How To Enjoy Peaceful Sleep 303. Your Real Seat of Intelligence 404. Man Is Mind 515. Getting Acquainted with the Real You 626. You Are What You Think You Are 727. You Are Twice as Good as You Think You Are 828. Money: A Myth 929. Riches: A Matter of Consciousness 10110. A Study in Contrasts 11111. Grow Rich in All Things—While You Sleep 11712. Accepting the Supremacy of Mind over Matter 12713. Mental Exercises vs. Physical Exercises 13414. Thoughts Are Pictures; Pictures Are Patterns 14215. Your Mental Eraser 15116. Building a Consciousness of Success 15917. Discovering the Law of Abundance 16818. You Become Rich Right Now 17719. Psychosomatic Ailments: Are They Real? 18520. Developing a Health Consciousness 19221. Accentuate the Positive 20222. Help Yourself by Helping Others 21023. Electrosonic Means of Aiding You 21824. Your New Life of Health, Wealth and Happiness 224
550 Christmas Recipes
Lev Well
A list of 550 Christmas Food Recipes
The Secret Garden
Lev Well
"The Secret Garden" by Frances HodgsonBurnett.It is spellbinding fairy tail about a nine-year old orphan girl whodiscovers a long forgotten garden and finds that it's the perfectcure for her disabled cousin. This highly entertaining book is awonderful read for all ages.
Homemade Liquor Recipes
Lev Well
Liquors are important ingredients of mostcocktails. And you have to know that it is easy and relativelycheap to produce these popular beverages at home. In this ebook youwill find list of 100 recipes of homemade liquors such as Blueberryliquor, Plum liquor, Apricot liquor, Amaretto liquor and so on...Tags:liquor,vodka,amaretto,cocktail,alcohol,spirits,homemade
70 Antivirus Programs for Free
Lev Well
A guide for the user of a free service thathelps protect your computer from being infected by malware filesand from visiting dangerous sites.Tags: computer viruses,computer worms,trojanhorses,spyware,adware
How to Build 20 Boats
Lev Well
The Reader will find in this book detailedplans and drawings prepared by national experts.Thus, the amateur builder of boats, equipped with basic woodworkingtools, some experience and patience, should be able to turn hisdream into reality.There are design plans for 20 types of boats:MOTORS:• Swell Time,• Apache,• The Thing,• Bayou Belle,• Firefly,• Shoveller,• Silver Fin,• Squall,• Mary Jane,• Cobia.MANUAL:• Pod,• Sabot,• Nereia Pram,• Seal.MASTS:• Bonnie II,• Triton,• King Kat,• Carinita,• H28,• Ostkust.
Outdoor Gardening in Pots
Lev Well
This is a long lost book about OutdoorGardening in pots and boxes. It tells how you can decorate youroutdoor spaces and enjoy it. The book explains what container youcan use. What are the best places to put the planters. It teachesabout soil mixtures and planting. How to care daily for the plants.It explains in detail about Geraniums, Tuberous Begonias used forshade, Splendid Fuchsias, Petunias and Other Fine Annuals, Trees,Shrubs and Vines, Perennials, Herbs and Vegetables.Gardening is a pastime that gives results, whether in beauty orfood. This book will help you benefit and enjoy from thisactivity.
German Soup Recipes
Lev Well
Collection of 60 recipes of traditional Germansoups such as goulash soup, kartoffelsuppe, linsensuppe, sauerkrautsoup and so on... And you have step-by-step cooking instructionsfor all the recipes.Tags: German soup,german soup recipes,goulash soup,lentilsoup,cabbage soup,sauerkraut
Archery Guide
Lev Well
"Archery is the art, practice, or skill ofpropelling arrows with the use of a bow.Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat, whilein modern times, its main use is that of acompetitive sport and recreational activity." [Wikipedia]The information in this app will serve as a guide to thebeginner in the purchase of suitable equipment and will alsoprovide instruction in shooting techniques and tips onhunting.The ability to shoot well is acquired through strictself-discipline and compliance with approved shootingmethods.The material here is intended to guide the beginner in acquiringgood shooting form which will become a habit throughrepeated effort.
It's Fun to Build a House
Lev Well
This book is intended primarily for those whowant to get their money's worth in a satisfactory house whetherthey build it with their own hands, buy it, or hire it built.Contents:PrefaceIt's Fun to Build a HouseSelecting the LotBuilding Your Own HomePlanning the HousePlanning the KitchenDrawing the PlansFinancing the HouseThe Quality of a HouseGetting the House BuiltToolsBasements and AtticsMaterials of ConstructionBuilding on a SlabTo Stake Out the HouseBuilding PermitsExcavationFoundations and Concrete FormsHow to Make Good ConcreteFramingRoof FramingCornicesRoof CoveringsWood FloorsTypes of Heating SystemsPlumbingPlanning the WiringPainting
How to Tie Flies
Lev Well
Pipes and Pipe Smoking Guide
Lev Well
First of all my advice: DON’T SMOKE!Ever!But… If for any reason you interest is in pipe and pipe smokingthen this book is for you. It talks about:What Is a Pipe?The Briar and the Meerschaum - the King and Queen of PipesPipe VarietiesSelecting Your PipeSelecting Your TobaccoThe Art and Science of SmokingHow Briar Pipes are MadePipe AccessoriesThe Pipe as a HobbyQuestions and Answers about Pipes
Aphrodisiac Pantry Staples
Lev Well
An aphrodisiac is a substance that increasessexual desire. Many foods, drinks and herbs have had a reputationfor making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable. Here you willfind descriptions and illustrations for 65 substances that you willwant in your pantry to prepare erotic dishes.Tags: aphrodisiac,erotic,libido,sex drive,sexual,Valentine
Modern Fly Craft
Lev Well
War-Time Cookery
Lev Well
"War-Time CookeryPRACTICAL RECIPES DESIGNED TO AID IN THE CONSERVATION MOVEMENT" byEdith BlackmanThere is often a need to conserve food. Sometimes the conditionsof life require food conservation, for example during the war timeor other kinds of severe hardships, and sometimes it is useful toconserve food and eat sparingly just for the health of the body.This book will teach you how to prepare meals while conserving andeconomizing food resources, that is, saving in waste and lesseningthe over 150 food consumption. Despite the economy, the recipesoffered do not require a radical change in daily menu or habits ofliving, but teach how to prepare food that is attractive, tasty,wholesome and sufficient for the daily needs of the body.
Lev Well
This book is an easy-to-follow how-to guide toupholstery techniques. It talks about upholstery skills, tools andworkshop requirements, types and styles of frames, springs andspring units, stuffing materials, cover materials, measuring -cutting and preparing covers. There are individual projects how tomake: pin-cushion seats – stools, dining-chairs - loose seats,bedroom chairs, bedding, adaptable settee units and so on. You willlearn how to repair upholstery so you could fix furniture mishapsyourself. For every step you have clear and easy-to-followinstructions illustrated with photographs and diagrams.____________SIMILAR Apps:Essentials of Upholstery -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lw.upholstery_essentialsFurniture Upholstery -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lw.furniture_upholstery
Furniture Upholstery
Lev Well
by Emil A. Jonson"The purpose of this book is to give information concerning themethods by which upholstery work may be successfully carried on inschool shops. The added beauty and comfort given to furniture byupholstery makes work of this character worth while. If periodfurniture is to be reproduced or modified, the worker mustunderstand the art of upholstering.The tendency to reproduce or copy good old pieces of furnitureshould be encouraged, for only in this way may a student obtain aproper background, from which may be developed a new style. Newideas, derived from the best of the old, are likely to servehumanity in the best way.The study of the art of upholstery is an interesting one. Itleads into many avenues of interest and profit, such as the historyand methods of weaving; the processes of tanning and coloring; themanufacture and history of textiles; and the like. Such correlationis valuable, and each is distinctly educational.CONTENTSPART IChapter I. HistoricalChapter II. Tools and MaterialsToolsMaterialsPART II UPHOLSTERY WITHOUT SPRINGSChapter III. Upholstering Board StructuresA Low FootstoolA CartA Leg RestA FootstoolMaterials RequiredChapter IV. Upholstering Chair SeatsA Chair SeatA Set-in SeatChapter V. Upholstering a Framed StructureFootstoolProcedureMaterialsOrder of ProcedureDifferent MethodsPART III UPHOLSTERY WITH SPRINGSChapter VI. Making a Hard-edge SeatMethodProcessA Queen Anne StoolChapter VII. Re-upholsteringOld FurnitureChapter VIII. Spring-edge UpholsteryOutlines"________SIMILAR Apps:Upholstery -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lw.upholstery.techEssentials of Upholstery -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lw.upholstery_essentials
Essentials of Upholstery
Lev Well
By HERBERT BASTThis work is intended to serve as a textbook in upholstery, andto supply the directions necessary for producing a set of typicaljobs.Table of ContentsINTRODUCTIONPART I ESSENTIAL PROCESSES.Upholstery Tools and Equipment.Process 1: Amount and Location of Webbing.Process 2: Tacking and Stretching Webbing.Process 3: Number and Size of Springs.Process 4: Placing and Fastening Springs.Process 5: Tying Springs to Height.Process 6: Tying Springs Crosswise.Process 7: Crosstying Springs.Process 8: Making a Spring Edge.Process 9: Bending and Fastening Wire to Spring Edge.Process 10: Attaching Burlap.Process 11: Roll Edge on Wood.Process 12: Stitched Edge.Process 13: Stuffing with Muslin Cover.Process 14: Planning and Cutting Covers.Process 15: Machine Sewing of Covering.Process 16: Putting on Covers.Process 17: Cutting Covers for Corners and Making Pleats.Process 18: Making Upholstery-Covered Buttons.Process 19: Filling Cushions with a Machine.Process 20: Filling Cushions by Hand.Process 21: Gimping.Process 22 : Tufting.PART II TYPICAL JOBS.Job 1: Pad Seat on a Wood Base.Job 2: Pad Seat on a Stool.Job 3: Upholstering an Open Structure.Job 4: Upholstering an Open Structure, Saddle Shaped.Job 5: Upholstering an Open Structure (Footstool with Cover DrawnOver Sides).Job 6: Upholstering an Open Structure (Footstool with Border AllAround).Job 7: Upholstering an Open Structure (Footstool with WeltedTop).Job 8: Upholstering an Open Structure (Footstool with Gimp AllAround).Job 9: Saddle-Seat Pull-Up Chair.Job 10: Spring Seat.Job 11: High-Leg Chair.Job 12: Sunburst Pillow.Job 13: Sunburst Pillow with BordeJob 14: Slumber Roll.Job 15: Overstuffed Davenport.Job 16: Upholstering a Box Spring.PART III MATERIALS.Their Sources and Manufacture.Cotton.Jute.Flax.The Angora Goat.Moss.Tow.Excelsior and Wood Wool.Sea Grass.Coconut Fiber.Curled Hair.Kapok (Silk Floss).Webbing.Burlap.Muslin.Cambric.Cretonne.Chintz.Corduroy.Rep.Denim.Haircloth.Damask.Velvet or Velour.Mohair.Leather.Artificial Leather.Tapestry.Springs.Tacks and Nails.Twine.Gimp.Chair Glides.Hair Pickers.APPENDIX: Cloth Moths._______SIMILAR Apps:Furniture Upholstery -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lw.furniture_upholsteryUpholstery -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lw.upholstery.tech
Irish Hot Dishes
Lev Well
This ebook contains 30 Recipes ofthetraditional Irish hot dishes, such as Irish Lamb Stew,Irishroasted Chicken and more. Meat, poultry and fish recipes.There arestep-by-step cooking instructions for all the recipes.Tags: Irish,Guinness,lamb,stew,roasted,grill,chicken,salmon
Irish Food History
Lev Well
Irish Food History videos.
The Practical Recipe Book
Lev Well
Vintage book "The Practical Recipe BookForFamilies, Confectioners and Bakers" by C. L. Quinn."Every recipe contained in this work is a genuineandwell-proportioned mixture that contains nothing but whatisessential to its perfection. The ingredients have beentestedthousands of times, and every one can use them with theassurancethat, if the directions are observed, the result willbesatisfactory.There are many books of recipes that have been compiled, notbypersons practically acquainted with the business, but by merebookmakers, and are filled up with many worthless recipes that arenotreliable, either for their ingredients or their proportions.Thisbook is free of all such untried and impracticable mixtures,and isvaluable for not only what it does, but what it doesnotcontain.Follow the directions here given, and you will be surenot to wastetime and ingredients on worthless mixtures, but have anarticleworth eating."C. L. QUINN
Book of Home Cleaning
Lev Well
"THIS BOOK CAN BE YOUR BEST FRIEND.This is a book for women everywhere.It talks about the everyday problem ofallwomen—housecleaning.It will guide you to the easiest, simplest, quickest methodstolighten your daily or special cleaning and it will beinvaluablewhen Junior spills the ink, Dad tracks in road tar,Sister stainsher best dress.It can be your best and most useful friend.Read it, try its tips and hints, keep it handyforemergencies.MAKE YOUR LIFE PLEASANTER AND MORE LEISURELY WITHTHIS BOOK OF APPROVED, TESTED CLEANING METHODS."Author: Betty BissellTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Equipment and Materials2. Walls and Ceilings3. The Care of Floors4. Rugs and Carpets5. Special Upstairs Problems6. Furniture Care7. Windows, Draperies, and Curtains8. A Fire on the Hearth9. Living Room Finesse10. Dining Room Sparkle11. Today's Servant-Electricity12. We're in the Kitchen13. Spots and Stains14. Fabrics and Finishes15. Attics and BasementsAppendix 1. ESSENTIAL CLEANING TOOLS FOR EVERY HOMEAppendix 2. EMERGENCY CHART FOR STAINS
Irish Soda Bread
Lev Well
Irish Soda Bread videos
300+ Irish Recipes
Lev Well
This App lists 305 food and drinks Recipesofthe traditional Irish cuisine,such as Irish Lamb Stew, Irish Pot-roasted Chicken, St. Patrickdayrecipes, Colcannon and more. There are step-by-stepcookinginstructions for all the recipes.
Irish bread BARMBRACK
Lev Well
Irish bread BARMBRACK images fromFlickr.
250 Frozen Drink Recipes
Lev Well
There is nothing more refreshing on ahotsummer day than frozen drinks. In this book you will find listof250 recipes to make perfect frosty summer drinks.Tags:dispenser,frozen,margarita,party
List of Irish dishes
Lev Well
This is a list of 26 notable dishes ofIrishcuisine.
Vegetable Soups
Lev Well
The book contains 45 recipes forcookingvegetable soups. And there are step-by-step cookinginstructionsfor all the recipes.
The Art and Science of Gilding
Lev Well
A Hand Book of Information for the Picture Framer
Eggless Recipe Book
Lev Well
"Eggless Recipe Book for Cakes, Cookies, Muffins and Desserts" byO. H. THOMPSON The author dedicated his book to "economicalhouswives". It contains more than 100 eggless recipes of cakes,cookies, muffins desserts and so on. There are step-by-step cookinginstructions for all the recipes. Enjoy delicious eggless recipes.
Picture Framing - DIY
Lev Well
Do-it-yourself guide to PictureFraming:methods of making and finishing picture frames.
Grandma's Drinks
Lev Well
430 recipes and directions for makingandserving non-alcoholic drinks for all occasions from thevintagebook "What Drink"by Bertha E. L. Stockbridge.
Art of Simple French Cookery
Lev Well
128 delicious recipes of famousParisRestaurateurs that are easy to cook and use common andinexpensivecomponentsIt is commonly believed that dishes of French cuisine areverydifficult to prepare and require rare or expensive ingredients.Butthe reader of this vintage book will find the opposite is trueaswell. You will find in this book 128 secret delicious recipesoffamous Paris Restaurateurs that are easy to cook and use commonandinexpensive components.Vintage book.Tags: food,french cooking,Paris,Cooking,Wine,European
History of Life-Extensionism
Lev Well
A History of Life-Extensionism in theTwentiethCenturyBy Ilia Stambler, PhDThis work explores the history of life-extensionism in the20thcentury. The term life-extensionism is meant to describeanideological system professing that radical life extension(farbeyond the present life expectancy) is desirable on ethicalgroundsand is possible to achieve through conscious scientificefforts.This work examines major lines of life-extensionistthought, inchronological order, over the course of the 20thcentury, whilefocusing on central seminal works representative ofeach trend andperiod, by such authors as Elie Metchnikoff, BernardShaw, AlexisCarrel, Alexander Bogomolets and others. Their worksare consideredin their social and intellectual context, as parts ofa largercontemporary social and ideological discourse, associatedwithmajor political upheavals and social and economic patterns.Thefollowing national contexts are considered: France (ChapterOne),Germany, Austria, Romania and Switzerland (Chapter Two),Russia(Chapter Three), the US and UK (Chapter Four).This work pursues three major aims. The first is to attempttoidentify and trace throughout the century severalgenericbiomedical methods whose development or applicationswereassociated with radical hopes for life-extension. Beyondmerehopefulness, this work argues, the desire to radicallyprolonghuman life often constituted a formidable, though hardlyeveracknowledged, motivation for biomedical research and discovery.Itwill be shown that novel fields of biomedical science oftenhadtheir origin in far-reaching pursuits of radical lifeextension.The dynamic dichotomy between reductionist and holisticmethodswill be emphasized.The second goal is to investigate the ideological andsocio-economicbackgrounds of the proponents of radical lifeextension, in order todetermine how ideology and economicconditions motivated thelife-extensionists and how it affected thescience they pursued. Forthat purpose, the biographies and keywritings of several prominentlongevity advocates are studied.Their specific ideological premises(attitudes toward religion andprogress, pessimism or optimismregarding human perfectibility, andethical imperatives) as well astheir socioeconomic conditions (theability to conduct anddisseminate research in a specific social oreconomic milieu) areexamined in an attempt to find out whatconditions have encouragedor discouraged life-extensionistthought. This research argues forthe inherent adjustability oflife-extensionism, as a particularform of scientific enterprise,to particular prevalent stateideologies.The third, more general, aim is to collect a broad registeroflife-extensionist works, and, based on that register, toestablishcommon traits and goals definitive of life-extensionism,such asvaluation of life and constancy, despite all the diversityofmethods and ideologies professed. This work will contribute totheunderstanding of extreme expectations associated withbiomedicalprogress that have been scarcely investigated bybiomedicalhistory.
Myths of Old Greece And Rome
Lev Well
Myths of old Greece And Rome:In the BeginningThe Story of PandoraThe DelugeMinervaApollo and King AdmetusApollo the MusicianThe Love of ApolloDianaThe Story of EndymionMercuryVenusThe Story of Cupid and PsycheFamous LoversThe Story of Orpheus and EurydiceMars and VulcanThe Story of ProserpinaPluto and the UnderworldNeptune and the Sea-GodsviiiBacchusPan and the NymphsThe VestalsMinor DeitiesHerculesPerseusBellerophonThe Story of JasonThe Calydonian HuntTheseusOedipusThe Apple of Discord
Guide to Antique Collecting
Lev Well
This book is a guide for the beginner, tohelphim through the bewildering maze of antique objects with whichheis likely to come in contact. Also, it has much information toaidthe more advanced collector. It sets out to help in identifyingtheage of a piece; to give clues that may reveal the actual maker,orat leasthis nationality; to indicate comparative rarity; and to suggestwhatis worth having and what to leave for others.Contents:ForewordPart I FURNITURE1 English furniture2 Dictionary of English pieces3 Continental furniture4 American furniture5 Points to look for in telling old from newPart II POTTERY AND PORCELAIN6 Pottery7 English pottery8 Continental pottery9 Persia and neighbouring countries10 America11 Porcelain12 English porcelain factories13 Continental porcelain14 Oriental pottery and porcelainPart III GLASS, SILVER, PLATE, ENAMELS, METALWORK15 Glass16 Silver and plate17 Enamels18 MetalworkPart IV MISCELLANEOUS19 Jade and other stones20 Ivory21 Clocks, watches, musical boxes22 Embroidery, lace, tapestry
Sri Lankan Recipes
Lev Well
The Application contains a list of 729SriLankan national dishes in the following categories:Salads (36 recipes),Soups (71 recipes),Beef (31 recipes),Pork (19 recipes),Lamb, Mutton (14 recipes),Fish, Sea Food (90 recipes),Poultry (88 recipes),Breads (33 recipes),Rice (49 recipes),Desserts & Sweets (220 recipes),Drinks (35 recipes),Vegetables (43 recipes).These delicious and healthy recipes can be easily made inyourkitchen.
Home Sewing Complete Guide
Lev Well
"A Complete Guide to Home Sewing" By SylviaK.Mager."Sewing is an art as old as mankind. Transmitted by womenfromcentury to century, it has never lost its utility or itscharm.Mother taught daughter; neighbor taught neighbor. As anattainment,it constitutes, for women and men alike, a lore all itsown. Thewoman of yesterday, were she able to look in on methodsandimplements today, would be amazed at the singular progresswhichhas been made to improve quality and artistic effect.Though the sewing craft is well established, there are stillmanyindividuals who want to learn, or who wish to improve theirpresentability. For these, many facilities are available. Coursesareoffered by schools, department stores, and sewingmachinemanufacturers. Magazines frequently devote many of theirpages tosome aspect of clothing. Many books have been written onthesubject. But, all too often, these facilities are not availableinthe locale of the person desiring them, they are inconvenient,tooexpensive, or are designed only for the expert.The publication of this compact, inexpensive book on sewingisintended to solve the problem for such persons and should indeedbea boon to all who are interested in the subject. Here is abookwhich can be as useful in the hands of the novice as totheexperienced sewer.For the beginner there is a chapter on first projects. Anindividualcan progress with confidence from less complicatedproblems to themore involved until she is a competent sewer. Andthere need be nolimit to the age of the beginner. "Beginner" mayor may not connoteyouth. Many a woman has learned to sew at anearly age, as soonindeed as she could handle the sewing machinewith comfort andsafety. Other women have learned when they werethe age ofgrandmothers. Fortunately, this is a skill which canbringsatisfaction at any age. Therefore, it is hoped that thisbook willencourage many women to try their hands at thisfascinatingoccupation.For the experienced sewer, there is a wealth of material inthisbook. She has only to refer to the section in which she hasaspecial interest at the moment, such as collars, pleats,sleevesand the like and a possible solution will be revealed toher.A singular advantage in this book is the comprehensive coverageofall aspects of sewing. If a person is interested in theselectionof a pattern for a new spring dress, how to mend a tear ina coat,the use of the buttonhole attachment on her sewing machine,or thebest choice of fabric for pajamas, the information isreadilyavailable.In connection with the extensive treatment of the subject, itiswell to consider that the book does not have to be read fromcoverto cover to find the answer to any such problem. The indexisalphabetical and so inclusive that it becomes a valuable aidinfinding the answer to your question. Not only is this a bookofinstruction, it is a sort of sewing encyclopedia as well. Yetthebook is not filled with endless repetition. Rather than repeataprocess monotonously, a cross reference is made to afulldescription of a given process to aid the reader in turningtoit.The large number of well selected and appropriatedescriptiveillustrations in the book are among its most valuablefeatures.They were especially made to assist the sewer through eachstep inthe process> as though an expert were standing at hershoulder,explaining each move. They are a kind of security againstfailure.When diagrams are combined with the simple, clear-cut,step-by-stepinstructions, even the faint-hearted should find newincentives tolearn.May this book open the door to many hours of happy sewingforyou."
Passover Recipes
Lev Well
A collection of 41 recipes oftraditionalPassover dishes such as Matzo, Charoset, Khremzlakh andso on.There are Appetizers and Salads recipes; Desserts, BakingandBeverages recipes; Soups and Hot Dishes recipes, and More. Andyouhave step-by-step cooking instructions for all therecipes.
The Space Pioneers
Lev Well
... from the American hardcover edition:This, the fourth book in the "Tom Corbett" series by"CareyRockwell" (whoever he was in real life) -- is, like all ofthe "TomCorbett" books, something special. It's another tale of thethreeyoung men who serve in the Solar Guard as Space Cadets.The Solar Guard is establishing its first colony on a star farawayin space, and of course, our heroes are in on the mission.Butsomehow a villain named Paul Vidac has wormed his way intotheCadets' assignment -- replacing Capt. Strong as Lt. Governor.Theman means nothing but evil, and if the cadets don't catch himatit, it'll be the end of them for certain. . . .Neat stuff! Read it now!Tags: scence fiction,Carey Rockwell,TomCorbett,spacecadet,piooners
Treachery in Outer Space
Lev Well
Science fiction. "Tom Corbett, SpaceCadet"adventure series book #6.A tale of 3 young men: Tom Corbett and his two best friendsRogerand Astro, that serve in the Solar Guard as SpaceCadets.Their mission was to monitor the race of 3 giant spaceships totheplanet Titan where rich crystal mines are located...Smart, exciting stuff! Read it now!Tags: scence fiction,Carey Rockwell,Tom Corbett,spacecadet,OuterSpace
Stand By For Mars! 1.1
Lev Well
Science fiction. "Tom Corbett, SpaceCadet"adventure series book #1.This book introduces Tom, Astro and Roger Manning and the worldofthe Solar Guard.The trio enter the Space Academy and begin their strenuoustrainingto become membersof the Solar Guard. But they are about to be bounced out oftheAcademy...Easy reading without taxing the mind. Read it now!Tags: scence fiction,Carey Rockwell,TomCorbett,spacecadet,mars
Danger In Deep Space 1.1
Lev Well
Science fiction. "Tom Corbett, SpaceCadet"adventure series book #2.Tom Corbett, Astro, and Roger Manning are cadets at theSpaceAcademy where they train to become membersof the elite Solar Guard. During their trip to Polaris theylearnedthat 2 space freebooters plan to stealthe rich mineral resources of a small satellite of theplanetTara.Cadets and Captan Connel invent the way to thwart thefreebooters'sinsidious plans...Smart, exciting stuff! Read it now!Tags: scence fiction,Carey Rockwell,TomCorbett,spacecadet,danger
Super Karate Made Easy
Lev Well
With this clearly written,graphicallyillustrated, step-by-step self instruction handbook youcan beginto develop a physical mastery over any opponent foolishenoughthreaten you, no matter what his size may no matter whatweapon hebrandishes! You'll quickly learn how instinctively routanysurprise attack by street punks, bar-room toughs,sidewalkwise-guys who insult your girl.
The Science of Getting Rich
Lev Well
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles The textis"divided into 17 short, straight-to-the-point chapters thatexplainhow to overcome mental barriers, and how creation, notcompetition,is the hidden key to wealth attraction." [WIKIPEDIA]
Leather Work
Lev Well
Vintage book by Adelaide Mickel "P R E F A C E As one of theartcrafts, leather-work is receiving much attention in our publicandprivate schools It affords an excellent opportunity forartexpression and for the training of the hand and eye. This bookisintended to be of practical assistance to teachers and studentsinacquiring the technique of the various kinds ofleather-work.Detailed descriptions of the different processes ofworking, withmany working drawings and photographs of objectssuitable forschool and home work are given; also suggestions forproblemsappropriate for the different grades in the elementaryschool andin the high school. C O N T E N T S I Equipment II FlatModelingIII Embossing or Repousse IV Carved Leather V Cut-Work VIHow toColor or Stain Leather VII A Card-Case VIII A Bill-Book IXACoin-Purse X Flat Modeled Hand-Bag XI Opera-Bag of Cut-WorkXIIGentleman’s Handkerchief-Case XIII One-Piece Hand-Bag XIV ToSewLeather XV Problems for the Grades XVI Problems for theHighSchool"
Japan Vintage Color Prints
Lev Well
An album of Japan vintage prints produced during theperiod1850-1860 (more than 110 pictures). The pictures wereproduced bywoodcut print method.
HIIT trainer
Lev Well
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), also calledhigh-intensityintermittent exercise (HIIE) or sprint intervaltraining (SIT), isan enhanced form of interval training, anexercise strategyalternating periods of short intense anaerobicexercise withless-intense recovery periods. HIIT is a form ofcardiovascularexercise. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 4–30minutes. Theseshort, intense workouts provide improved athleticcapacity andcondition, improved glucose metabolism, and improvedfat burning.[WIKIPEDIA] This app will help you performhigh-intensity intervaltraining at home whether you are running,cycling, lifting weights,boxing and so on. You can also tune theapp to create workoutsrelevant to your needs.
"Sell-A-Million Sam's" Secrets
Lev Well
The book reveals the secrets of success of Sam Grossnamed"Sell-A-Million Sam"